Socioemotional Program

At British American School, we believe that comprehensive education goes beyond the acquisition of academic knowledge. For this reason, we have implemented a Socioemotional Program that accompanies our students from preschool through high school, promoting their emotional and social well-being.

Our Socioemotional Program is designed to foster the development of skills that allow students to manage their emotions, establish healthy relationships and face the challenges of daily life. Through activities and workshops tailored to each stage of development, we seek that our students learn to:

Recognize and manage their emotions: Identify what they feel and learn to express them appropriately.

Foster empathy: Understand and respect the emotions of others, creating a supportive and collaborative environment.

Develop social skills: Learn to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts and work as a team.

Promote self-esteem and resilience: Strengthen self-confidence and the ability to adapt to adverse situations.

Respect others: Understand  and show respect for other cultures, beliefs and  opinions.

Promote self-care through prevention campaigns that allow students to identify risks, establish limits, recognize values such as honesty, respect and create awareness through programs such as PESI (Comprehensive Sexual Education Program), “Escudo de la Dignidad” (Prevention Program against child abuse and mistreatment) and the School Coexistence Program created by the Ministry of Public Education.

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February 2025