It is the responsibility of all teachers, coordinators and directors to review and analyze this document as well as to disseminate it to the school community of our school. Likewise, this document must be reviewed in collegiality at the beginning of the school year and updated based on the guidelines of the IB (Standards and concrete applications of the programs), and the educational authorities of Mexico as appropriate. Last revision: August 2024
In accordance with the mission, vision, essential agreements and quality policy of our school, as well as the requirements of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB), this Academic Integrity Policy has been created, seeking to encourage, promote and maintain the values that govern us at the school, such as Respect, Responsibility and Integrity. In the particular case of this policy, inherent attitudes such as: probity, trust, fairness, respect and academic responsibility are rescued.
The following objectives are established as the main objectives of this policy:
“Academic probity should be understood as a set of values and skills that promote personal integrity and good practices in teaching, learning, and assessment.” (The Middle Years Program From Principles to Practice, p. 85)
Definition of Academic Integrity:
It is the set of values and skills that promote personal integrity and good practices in teaching, learning and assessment. (2014 IB Conference in the Americas, Dr. Celina Garza, p.4)
Definition of Plagiarism and examples of improper and inappropriate behavior:
Refers to the intentional or unintentional presentation of another person’s ideas, words, or work without adequate, clear, and explicit mention of it
Examples of improper and inappropriate behavior:
Consequences of engaging in improper and inappropriate conduct:
Lack of Level 1.
Submitting other people’s work, assignments, or school activities as one’s own.
Partially or totally transcribing work or information from the internet or other sources without providing references and presenting it as one’s own original work.
Consequence: Establish agreements with the student based on what happened. The student will not be able to obtain the maximum grade and must submit it again.
Level 2 misconduct.
Recidivism in any of the following misconduct.
Copying or allowing oneself to be copied in exams.
Consequences: The student will have the grade of the exam or assignment in which the misconduct occurred canceled and the exam will not be retaken.
Level 3 Failure.
Theft of exam materials
Theft of information
Disclosure of confidential information
The main objective of this policy is to know the implications and consequences of using or taking information that is not ours without mentioning it properly. Likewise, this policy is used to delimit and establish the form of citation, recognizing those authors or creators of the documents and placing as a reference the sources or ideas that have been used as the basis of our documents or creations.
A Citation is made to recognize the authorship of the idea or resource. Since preschool, the importance of acknowledging the author is emphasized. An example could be to recognize who is the author of the family photo, of the idea of the activity or to add the name of the author of the drawing. Teachers emphasize the name of the author or illustrator of the book and model the way in which someone else’s idea is used for learning, recognizing the inspiration it provokes.
In grades 1 and 2, students cite including the name of the book and the page of the book. In grades 3 and 4, they do so by including the author’s last name, and in grades 5 and 6, they use APA format for citing and referencing.
What should we cite?
The IB refers that as authors or creators of a document, we cite those sources or ideas that are not ours, and that have been used as a basis.
Any material (whether written, oral, physical, electronic, etc.) or idea that does not belong to us and that has been used in some way (for example, as a quotation, paraphrase or summary) should be cited:
When using information that is not of our authorship, i.e. that does not belong to us, and can be used in:
How should we cite?
References: when we want to give credit or acknowledge the work or information we consulted when doing a work that is not of our authorship.
1.Sources consulted → When we use:
Example: Senge, Peter (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the organization open to learning: 2nd edition, 10th reprint, Buenos Aires, Granica, p. 45.
¿Cómo se debe citar?
Las referencias: Cuando queremos dar crédito o reconocer el trabajo o la información que consultamos al realizar un trabajo que no es de nuestra autoría.
1.Fuentes consultadas → Cuando utilizamos:
Ejemplo: Senge, Peter (1990). La Quinta Disciplina: El arte y la práctica de la organización abierta al aprendizaje: 2º edición, 10º reimpresión, Buenos Aires, Granica, pág 45.
Example: International Data Corporation (2001, April 26).e L.eaming is burgeoning. Retrieved October 31, 2001, from ebusinesstrends/ebt200 1 0426.stm.
Note: Electronic sources that correspond to search engines (www,, etc.) are not considered as consultation sources since, as their name indicates, they are tools for finding specific pages.
Example: Migueles, Rubén “Crisis del Agua”, El Universal, March 22, 2023, p.A25.
The quotation should appear differentiated from the rest of the document, this can be, using different typography, style (italics, bold) or between quotation marks. It is important to remember that the corresponding reference must be made either at the foot of the page or at the end of the document
In-text citation options:
Why and for what purpose should it be cited?
It is a standard already established with respect to the publication and dissemination of documents, this allows the author of the document, among other aspects:
4.1 Scope of the policy:
This policy was created for all faculty, staff, administrative staff, and students of British American School at all academic levels. It is expected that with this policy, students and faculty and staff will understand:
4.1 Alcance de la política:
Esta política fue creada para todo el equipo docente, administrativo y para los alumnos del Colegio British American School de todos los niveles académicos. Se espera que con esta política el alumnado y personal docente o administrativo comprenda:
4.2 Dissemination of the Academic Probity Policy:
BIBLIOGRAPHY This policy was based on the following sources: – Academic probity: guidance for schools International Baccalaureate Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2003.
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